Profile PictureDawn Champine 

Neptune: A Deep Dive Into the Imaginal

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Learn about Neptune's magic and mystery in this audio workshop.

If Neptune is prominently placed in your chart, you are probably a sensitive soul, highly empathic --psychic, even. *Neptunians* must take extra precautions to shield themselves as they go about their every day lives. 

We will explore:
Astrology, Mythology, Archetypal psychology of Neptune

How to work with Neptune in your chart, including: 

  • Developing your Neptune, because the world needs more dreamers and poets, 
  • Self-care for sensitive souls
  • Communicating with feeling + how to explain yourself clearly and succinctly
  • Trusting your intuition

From the workshop:  

"To really understand the archetype of Neptune, one must be willing to suspend reality and get lost in the dreamy otherworld of potentiality. Rose-colored glasses required.

Neptune's realm is of the Imaginal, the mystical subconscious, the vast ocean of the psyche. This is not water most will dive into willingly. 

Though it may appear smooth from where you stand on the banks, there is often the sense a strong undercurrent exists just below the surface waiting to pull you under.

But who can really resist the allure of Neptune?

His is the siren's song of an Ideal Vision of Beauty and of Love. We are mesmerized by Neptune's promise of ecstasy. It often feels spiritual, pure, expansive -- like being directly plugged in to God and buzzing on all things holy and good.

Neptune's invitation into the realms of the Piscean Otherworld is hardly ever straightforward.

Some are beckoned to enter through the portal of the imagination.

Some receive Neptune's calling card in prayer.

Some find it in the bottle.

And still, others find Neptune through illusion, betrayal and deception.

Neptune enthusiastically urges, "come on in, the water is fine!"

Once you take the plunge, don't be surprised if you elicit a howl of disbelief, shocked by the immersion into icy water.

Yet, this is precisely the moment you get to reclaim your projections!" 

What You Get: 
MP3 Recording (approx 75 mins) 

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Neptune: A Deep Dive Into the Imaginal

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